
                       Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four walls of a classroom. The core aim of education is to foster the all-round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible, and social development. All around development can be achieved only through education.

                       Education plays a fundamental role in the making of a man and his development as a culturally well-developed social animal. To fulfill these objectives, there is a prime need to strike a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books, and also co-curricular activities beyond that.


                   They complement the curricular activities and groom the students in the “Art of living and working together.” They are the true and practical experiences gained by students through their learning.

                     A Chinese proverb very aptly states, “Teach me, and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember. Involve me, and I will never forget.” To a very great extent, the theoretical knowledge is enhanced when a co-curricular activity related to the content taught, is organized. Intellectual development of the personality is achieved to a great extent, in the classroom itself. But, aesthetic development like character building, spiritual and moral values, physical growth, creativity, and many more are backed up by co-curricular activities only. It also professes coordination, adjustment, speech fluency, extempore, and debating skills amongst students. It teaches the students to stand up for their rights. Co-curricular activities render several values.


                     Co-curricular activities are vital because even though they are not a part of the core curriculum, they play a very crucial role in giving young boys and girls the ability to mold their lives to become well-rounded people. The school activities have to be designed purposefully to give an apt mix of student participation in academics and also create a chance for all-round development.

                           Extracurricular activities are those activities that are not the components of an academic curriculum but an integral part of an educational environment. Extracurricular activities comprise sports, playing, painting, singing, debate, dance, acting & drama, music, social services, cultural activities, etc.

                         To develop the various facets of the personality of students; curricula must be supplemented with extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities help in the development of intellectual, emotional, and moral development.


                          The main motto of extracurricular activities is personality development. These are the activities that encourage students to take up their studies in a healthy manner. All-round development as well as intellectual development is not the domain of curriculum, these characteristics can be judiciously fulfilled by co-curricular activities.

                       Nowadays, schools and colleges have been giving much more importance to extracurricular activities so that the hidden potential of students can be harnessed. Extracurricular activities help to develop creativity and artistic talents among students.  Great educational thinkers such as Rousseau, Spencer, and Dewey advocated the importance of extracurricular activities among students to develop social relationships and intellectual intelligence.


             The role of Co-Curricular activities in a student’s life cannot be put into words easily. But let us understand some of the major benefits.

Overall development of Personality

Strengthened Self Confidence


Developed Specialized Skills

Improved Academic Performance


Greater Opportunities

Sense of Responsibility

Strengthen Resume